Wednesday, 4 May 2011


NAME: Willa Keswick


JOB DESCRIPTION: Founder & Director of new boutique opening on Westbourne Grove 'Village Bicycle'.

TELL ME ABOUT 'VILLAGE BICYCLE': '''Village Bicycle' will be a one-stop shop for girls. Whether you're looking for Peek a Boo Naughtiness or Trailer Trash Chic there'll be something for everyone."

WHY THE NAME 'VILLAGE BICYCLE?' "I registered the name when I was 15. I knew it would come in handy one day having always dreamt of opening my own boutique. It just makes me laugh. It makes you think What? And I love that... Its British, its naughty and you can take what you want from it"

The Office
WHY THE LEDBURY ROAD? "I am a Portobello Girl; I've lived here all my life and would never ever think about moving. This area is like no other so choosing Ledbury Road for the boutique was simple really..."

The Shop Front

WHAT WILL 'VILLAGE BICYCLE' SELL? "Almost Anything! From badges to clothes to stickers to candles to lollipops....We are not just fashion based at all even selling tit tape, chicken fillers etc!"

AND WHO WILL YOU STOCK? "On the Clothes side mainly young British Designers. We've got Todd Lynne, Craig Lawrence and Mark Fast (we are his only stockists aside from Browns) and then people like Felder Felder and La Perla for underwear."

Suki in a Todd Lynn Dress

Mary in a BodyAmr Dress

I HEAR YOU HAVE DESIGNED SOME BIKINIS YOURSELF FOR THE BOUTIQUE? "Yes... Ah! I just love those little Brazilian bottoms that you just can't find in England. They are colourful, tiny and very very naughty."

TELL ME ABOUT YOUR TEAM? "There are 7 of us at the moment and I couldn't do it without a single one of them. They are the backbones of the business and its great, its like one big family. We've got Emily Lobel; Head Buyer, Tallulah Harlech and Alice Kodell; Web Editor. Serena Mattar has done all the shop interiors and Tyrone Wood has curated the art. "

Tallulah Harlech
Emlily Lobel

FAVOURITE LONDON HANGOUTS? "The Westbourne, Walmer Castle, Portobello Market and One of a Kind for vintage finds."

The Walmer Castle

FAVOURITE RECIPES? "Lentil Stew with Toulouse Sausages"

AND FINALLY WHEN DO YOU OPEN?? "The launch is on the 25th May and we start trading on the 27th May..... Aggghhhh!!!" 

Cara Delevingne for Village Bicycle

Village Bicycle 
79 - 81 Ledbury Road
London W11

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